Segal Benz Blog

3 benefits leaders zero in on where employees need help | Segal Benz

Written by Jennifer Benz | September 13, 2016

In celebration of our 10-year anniversary, dozens of employee benefits professionals and thought leaders have shared their history and their perspectives and outlook on the rapidly changing benefits industry. We’re publishing their interviews weekly on my LinkedIn page as part of our series, Insights From Industry Leaders. Below, three leaders share their insights for creating engaged health care consumers.

“I think tools that help people navigate health care are critical. There are huge health care literacy issues, and anything that can be done to help simplify health care needs to be a focus.”

Burt Rosen, Chief Marketing Officer, HealthSparq


“Companies today make a huge investment in their benefits and Total Rewards programs.  Sometimes, the communications piece gets the short end of the stick, but the budget shouldn’t. Organizations often complain about lack of engagement with benefits. That is partly due to the fact that we don’t take the time to “market our benefits” and talk with our line managers and employees more. We should partner with employees to help them better appreciate their benefits and use them wisely.”

Lenny Sanicola, Senior Practice Leader, WorldatWork


“Benefits communication … helps build awareness and educate employees on what is available. In a time when employees are being inundated with information, both at work and outside of work, [benefits] communications can serve to help employees filter through the noise and focus on the message that we as employers are attempting to deliver.”

Rosemary Arriada-Keiper, Senior Director, Global Benefits, Adobe

To learn more about what motivates, excites, and challenges these benefits leaders—and others—read their full interviews on my LinkedIn page. We post new profiles every week, so be sure to check for any you may have missed.