Segal Benz Blog

Raising the bar: Inspiring action through engaging communication | Segal Benz

Written by Jennifer Benz | June 24, 2010

Video clips from Jen's presentation at the MetLife Benefits Symposium

If you saw our announcement last week, you know how excited we are to be partnering with MetLife on their Open Enrollment Toolbox. As part of the Toolbox, you can watch videos from my presentation at MetLife’s Sixth Annual Benefits Symposium in April. It was such an honor to be part of this event and to get to share our point of view and our work.

The presentation was titled “Raising the Bar: Inspiring Action Through Engaging Communication” and covered the business case for benefits communication, three technology shifts that are forever changing the ways we communicate (and employees’ expectations!) and the very practical ways employers can keep up and make sure their benefits communication is relevant and effective.

Check out the videos below. And, visit the Metlife Toolbox for even more info!