Segal Benz Blog

ShapeUp Survey Report looks at how employers are using health technology to their advantage | Segal Benz

Written by Jennifer Benz | August 9, 2012

Our friends at ShapeUp and Context Communication recently released the findings from their 2012 Technology + Employee Wellness Survey Report. The survey focused on how companies are using technology to empower employees to take an active role in managing their health. Mobile apps, social networks, games and devices are helping people achieve healthier lives by making health concepts easier to understand, lifestyle changes more approachable, and health journeys social.

Some key findings from the survey include:

  • 64 percent of respondents cited improving employee health engagement as the primary goal of their company’s health communication strategy.
  • 89 percent of respondents believe their employees are interested in health technology tools, and 87 percent agree that it’s important to educate employees about these tools even if they don’t provide them.
  • More than half don’t segment their audiences to deliver targeted health communications (even though we say targeted communication doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive).

And it seems most companies that have used health technology with their employees are happy that they did. Ninety-four percent believe health technology is instrumental in improving employee perceptions of their wellness effort, while 93 percent believe it increases use of their wellness resources and 90 percent confirm it has a positive impact on employee health engagement.

But despite these stats, tracking devices/sensors, mobile solutions and social networks are still widely underused:

Employers’ most frequent concern? That budget and staffing challenges will interfere with technology adoption and success.

But using technology doesn’t have to be pricey. Here’s a list of just some of the apps and health technology resources out there, many of which don’t even cost a dime:

You can find more tools and resources on our free resources page.

And be on the lookout for our survey results from the Inside Benefits Communication survey. We’ll be releasing the survey report soon!