Segal Benz Blog

Smart ways to use social media tools | Segal Benz

Written by Jennifer Benz | July 8, 2008

14 Ways to Use Social Media for HR Communication

It’s way too easy to get overwhelmed by all the talk about social media and ‘Web 2.0.’ If you’re under pressure to integrate social media into your communication strategy, this article will help you identify simple and smart ways to integrate social media tools into your employee communications strategy.

14 Ways to Use Social Media for HR Communication

Looking for simple ways to integrate social media tools into your HR Communication strategy? Have you received a mandate to “Web 2.0” your communication? Are you not sure where to even begin trying to sort through the blog, wiki, social networking and content tools out there?

Don’t worry—using social media tools is easier than you think. All the sites and tools and platforms out there are easy to categorize and understand—especially when you just focus on those that are relevant for internal communication. Just make sure you align them with your overall strategy by investing in areas where you want employees to be the most engaged or to create the most change.

What are these tools and how do you use them?

This includes the tools that are most relevant for HR Communication.


Blogs are a simple and easy way to create web content and self-publish. They also give readers the opportunity to respond with comments and have a dialog with the author.

Good HR Comm uses for blogs:

  • Leadership communication (send out messages from the CEO in a blog format so employees can respond—make sure to address the comments!)
  • News and updates—almost anything can be communicated in a blog format, giving readers an chance to give instant feedback
  • Public recognition and employee-driven recognition—let employees recognize each other’s accomplishments or add kudos to an official recognition

Podcasts and Videocasts

Online downloadable audio and video clips. Play them on your computer or drop them on your iPod to take home with you.

Good HR Comm uses for Podcasts and Videocasts:

  • Post a short video of CEO or leadership speaking about a new program
  • Quick monthly updates from leadership (cover business results, comp and bonuses, upcoming performance reviews)
  • Create podcasts of enrollment meetings or new hire orientation (especially helpful for remote employees who may not have the opportunity to attend an in-person meeting)
  • 401(k) basics podcast series to get the basics of your plan (even better if you team it with an online forum for when employees have questions!)
  • Create a contest for the best 2 minute video about a key topic—health care, wellness, 401(k) investing—hearing the message from other employees will encourage yours to act

Social networks

FacebookMySpaceLinkedIn and thousands of other social networks connect individuals and communicate interests and activities. Sites like Ning even let you create your own. Whether personal or professional, they are incredibly powerful tools for distributing information and ideas.

Good HR Comm uses for social networks:

  • Add profiles to your intranet so employees can post a photo, some of their interests outside of work and what they are working on—tremendously helpful for geographically dispersed teams
  • Network employees who are hired in the same month—let them go through orientation together, even virtually, and share their experiences
  • Create a Facebook group for wellness events (especially if you’re doing a lot of online classes or events—get families to join too for frequent updates and information!)


A wiki, just like the most famous one, wikipedia, lets multiple users edit the same web page or content. They are ideal for internal collaboration.

Good HR Comm uses for a wiki:

  • Sharing tips for using your fitness incentive or posting favorite yoga studios or personal trainers near your offices (let your employees contribute to your health and wellness goals!)
  • Letting a manager and employee co-write performance goals and maintain progress records throughout the year

RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds you receive updates when web content changes. They are for Intranet content and to let employees customize what updates to receive.

What not to do

Stay away from social media tools for detailed legally required HR content. You don’t want employees editing your employment policies or summary plan descriptions and they don’t want to watch a video of that information either.

Keeping things aligned with your strategy and following common-sense guidelines on developing and delivering content will ensure you get the right value out of your social media investments.