Segal Benz Blog

Success with social media for employee benefits | Segal Benz

Written by Jennifer Benz | June 9, 2010

Presentation highlights and social media poster

I spoke yesterday at the Ragan Health Care Communications Summit at Kaiser just across the Bay in Oakland. It was a great conference focusing on how to use social media for all types of internal and external health care communications.

I spoke about the very practical hands-on tips we’ve learned using social media for employee benefits and shared some of the success stories from our clients.

Many of these tips are captured in our “Social Media Poster” (Please visit our free resources page).

It was really fun to see our tips go out to everyone on Twitter, live during the presentation. You can see many of them below and if you’re still in disbelief about the value of social media, I hope these examples help you see how you can use Twitter to learn and connect.

Our social media tips via audience posts on Twitter:

As you know, we’ve been talking about social media for the last several years. Please check out our most popular articles and resources for more info. We have lots of exciting tools in the works to make your entry into social media successful and fun. More on those soon!

In the meantime, give us a shout if you have any questions!