Segal Benz Blog

Telling Your Total Rewards Story to Increase Employee Engagement

Written by Laura Hensley | May 8, 2024

Segal Benz was, once again, proud to participate in and sponsor The Conference Board’s Communicating Total Rewards Conference, where Jen Benz, SVP at Segal Benz, was joined by two outstanding leaders in their fields, Brad Kempf, Head of Global Benefits at Stripe, and Steve Morgan, VP Total Rewards at FanDuel, to talk about “Telling Your Total Rewards Story.”

Storytelling has always been the best way to connect with each other and share our lives. It’s the same for organizations. When you tell your total rewards story, you connect with your employees and help them understand how to use the resources you invest in. This matters because it’s not enough to create great policies and offer exceptional programs if your employees don’t know about them or how to make the most of them.

So what do you do? Employ creative approaches that improve the perceived value, and this requires communicating with the larger picture in mind—and telling your story. Both Stripe and FanDuel followed this approach to engage their employees, with phenomenal results.

That’s the point of telling your total rewards story. Launching numerous new programs without engaging your people results in the programs not being used, which isn’t a good investment of your time or money. 

Segal Benz helped both Stripe and FanDuel tell their total rewards stories by prioritizing what their people want. Through visually exciting communications that used bite-sized, easily digestible content, employees were able to make the most of resources that supported their physical, mental, and financial well-being.

So in case you missed it, watch the webinar replay to learn how Stripe and FanDuel each successfully told their total rewards story to their people. You can also read the transcript online or sign up to download the slides.

We’re proud to work with organizations that value their people. If you want to learn more, we’d love to talk.

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