Segal Benz Blog

Top 3 takeaways from HBLC | Segal Benz

Written by Jennifer Benz | January 17, 2014

There’s just eight weeks left until the second annual Human Resource Executive Health & Benefits Leadership Conference. We hope you’re registered to join us in Las Vegas, March 17-19—a full month earlier than last year’s event. If not, make sure you register today to take advantage of the early bird discount and save big! Among the many valuable reasons to attend, here are three big reasons you won’t want to miss this year’s program:

1. Information.

How do your employees really feel about the value of the benefits you offer and how you communicate them? What are the latest statistical nuggets that will get you from “maybe” to “yes” with your CFO? Get the answers to these questions and more—we’ll dissect the latest findings of the annual MetLife Benefit Trends Study and new benefits research from Towers Watson.

2. Innovation.

That will be a focus throughout the event. Hear leading-edge strategies on ACA and wellness from leading employers like The Home Depot, Marriott, Walgreens and Pitney Bowes. And, case studies from companies like Rackspace, Hulu, Twitter, and Adobe Systems, which was recently featured in HR Executive for their HSA strategy that garnered 62% enrollment in the first year. (Yes, we had a part in that.) Your confusion over the ACA’s 2014 compliance requirements and struggle to achieve employee behavior change end here.

3. Inspiration.

2014 will be a beyond-average year for benefits—so you’ll need beyond-average ideas to meet your biggest challenges! Get inspiration and stretch your thinking through sessions with industry thought leaders like prominent health and employee benefits consultant Carol Harnett, renowned expert consultant and author Dr. Ron Leopold, and Consumer Reports’ Tara Montgomery.

Register today for $150 off with the super early bird discount! And, use the code BENZ14 for an additional $75 off when you register by March 3!