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Laura Hensley March 3, 2020 3 min read

Webinar Series Helps You Learn How to Create Benefits Communication That Drives Engagement

When it comes to employee benefits, effective communication is key for ensuring your employees get the most from the benefits in which you’ve invested so much. But HR professionals say, “We send them tons of messages, and they still don’t pay attention.” Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Hundreds of industry professionals have the same frustration around benefits communication.

So, is there a way to get employees to not only engage, but to act? Yes! And we have the strategies to help you achieve success.

Starting March 20, Jennifer Benz and Megan Yost will share their experiences for improving engagement, with lots of time for Q&A. All three 1-hour sessions are free—register for any or all as your schedule allows!

What to Say Right Now About the Coronavirus 

Date: Friday, March 20, 2020
Time: 9 a.m. PT, noon ET


We’ve never seen anything like this before. Because we’ve been fielding so many questions from our clients on how to communicate to their people about the coronavirus, we’ve changed gears a bit.

Our webinar already scheduled for Friday will now focus on how to communicate with your people about the coronavirus pandemic—right now. We’ll cover key topics and questions, how often to communicate, and what you should be telling them right now. We’ll be answering questions and sharing best practices and overall messaging to help you guide your people through this crisis.

Some of the topics we’ll cover include:

  • Communication best practices during crises
  • Benefits resources to promote 
  • How this crisis could be affecting your employees’ physical, emotional, and financial well-being 
  • Tips for working remotely
  • Communication vehicles that work best

Making the 10 Keys Work for You

Date: Thursday, March 26, 2020
Time: 9 a.m. PT, noon ET


Building on our 10 Keys to Unlocking Successful Benefits Communication, this workshop will be a live working session to help you fine-tune your own benefits communication strategy. We’ll guide you step by step through our 10 keys framework, helping you prioritize and focus your efforts for your year ahead.

Our worksheet will help you identify where your communication strategy is working well, where it needs to be adjusted, and what you could do differently to achieve your desired results.

In this webinar, you'll learn:

  • How to apply our 10 keys framework to your organization
  • Where to focus your time, resources, and budget
  • What to prioritize to drive higher engagement and get results

What’s Next in Benefits Communication

Date: Thursday, May 14, 2020
Time: 9 a.m. PT, noon ET


Many of us can remember when SPDs were a primary communication vehicle for benefits information. We certainly have come a long way since then. In the last 10 years, we’ve seen a wealth of new consumer-focused technologies and sophisticated tactics that have changed the way we communicate about benefits. But where are we going next? In this webinar we’ll discuss what’s working well today to engage individuals and drive action, and what’s ahead. We’ll also talk about how the current crisis will forever change people’s expectations about access to information and resources.

Topics include:

  • The top trends coming out of Silicon Valley today
  • How personalized and targeted communication will improve to drive better outcomes
  • The role of emerging technology—virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and more

Find out about industry predictions and scenarios for where we're going—and how to plan now so you can stay ahead of the curve.

Laura Hensley

Laura Hensley, Senior Writer and Editorial Manager, is an award-winning writer and advocate for the reader. She works with some of our largest clients.