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Your benefits and HR programs can be a powerful force in improving lives—but only if your people use them. Getting them to engage with your programs requires a clear strategy built specifically to achieve your organization’s goals. To build your communications strategy, we conduct an assessment of each of your current communications practices, measured against our 10 keys framework and provide strategic recommendations based on the outcome. Our 10 keys to successful benefits communications serves as a blueprint for assessing your current communications and prioritizing areas to address. We use the 10 keys in all our client engagements to ensure that you know where to invest your time and money and how to create game-changing communications strategies that deliver outstanding results.

What We Can Do for You

We take our clients through a rigorous but efficient strategy and planning process that includes:

  • Questioning and listening: We start by gathering as much data as we can about the employee audience and the organization by reviewing all available demographic and plan participation data. We also highly recommend using surveys, employee interviews, and focus groups to get a better understanding of audience psychographics, such as their perceptions, preferences, and potential barriers to communication.
  • Defining goals: We work with our clients to determine the meaningful and measurable goals we’ll achieve so we know that we’ve created a successful campaign.
  • Defining audiences: Based on what we know about each audience through demographics, psychographics, and plan participation data, along with the goals we’ve established, we define distinct audience personas.
  • Mapping campaign tactics: We develop creative messaging and a targeted, tactical plan with clearly defined engagement paths for each audience persona.

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