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NVIDIA takes a bold approach to promote new suite of benefits that targets Millennials in an epic enrollment campaign with epic results

For more than two decades, NVIDIA has pioneered visual computing. Its work is at the center of the most consequential mega-trends in technology—virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and self-driving cars. For the employees who bring these game-changing concepts to life, stimulating work and competitive rewards are table stakes. Flashy recruiting promises may lure them in, but winning the hearts and minds of this rare breed of talent for the long-term requires something more—a little love. NVIDIA shows employees its love through health, financial, and other amazing perks. NVIDIA’s benefits website, which we launched in 2014, is the foundation of the company’s year-round benefits communications. Built outside the firewall, it is accessible to employees and their families 24/7. 

9,200 Employees
24,000 Website users
80% Active enrollment
Working with Benz, we took out the HR speak, which really got people's attention. Employees described the communication as ‘fresh’ and even ‘hip.’”
Andrea Trudelle Global Benefits Director, NVIDIA

In 2015, we partnered with NVIDIA to launch a groundbreaking open enrollment marketing campaign for a new suite of benefit perks designed to appeal to employees in all life stages.  Employing striking design and edgy messages, it was ideally suited to stimulate the eyes and minds of NVIDIA's male-dominated (over 80%) engineers, scientists, and other techs.

NVIDIA’s robust—and often unique—benefits were a perfect complement to this approach: student loan debt repayment; identity theft protection; a subsidy for public transportation; adoption assistance; enhanced care for children with special needs, seniors, and pets; tutoring and housekeeping services; and higher company contributions to health savings accounts.

The goal

Create buzz and excitement to engage employees and market new benefits in a way that demonstrates “we’re kicking our benefits up a notch to reflect what’s important to you.”


Unexpected delivery

Unique media, such as stand-up displays and cafeteria placemats, supplemented NVIDIA’s benefits website, posters, emails, digital displays, and on-site meetings to spread the word about open enrollment.

Speaking their language

Key to the success of the campaign was ditching the usual HR and benefits jargon in favor of fresh, punchy language and plain English. Then, NVIDIA took it a step further by eliminating confusing terms like “Platinum,” “Elite,” and “Supreme” from medical plan names, and rechristening its high-deductible plans “HSA plans.”

The payoff

The results of this bold approach speak for themselves:

  • Participation in the HDHPs increased from 25% to 37%, with everyone enrolled in an HDHP making their own contributions to their HSA.
  • 80% of employees actively enrolled during a year of passive enrollment.
  • Employees described the communication as "fresh" and even "hip"—adjectives not typically associated with benefits communication.
  • Attendance at enrollment meetings was the highest ever.
  • Website traffic spiked to almost three times normal levels during enrollment, and it was noticeably higher than during the 2015 open enrollment period.
  • The NVDIA benefits department received fewer calls about the same topics, thanks to a new "Contacts" link at the top of every web page and a "Find it Fast" feature that enables employees to more easily locate answers to common questions.


NVIDIA’s captivating benefits marketing campaign sparked the desired attention from employees, and the company’s unique suite of benefits garnered media interest. It is featured prominently in articles in two leading industry publications: Human Resource Executive magazine and HR Executive magazine.