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Sue Heili November 28, 2023 2 min read

How to Spark Your Creativity

Do you ever wonder why some people are such creative thinkers? And do you ever wish you could be like them? Well, you can. We’re all creative; you just need to find your spark. Personally, I have always been passionate about design and thinking creatively, and I loved my design classes in college. I remember a creative advertising assignment I once had when I was completely blocked. So I asked my boyfriend at the time (now my husband), who was a finance major, to help me brainstorm. He came up with some amazing ideas that I had never thought of. From then on, I knew that being creative isn’t something you have to learn in school. In my 20+ years as a project manager and consultant, I have worked with so many people who want to leave the creative thinking to the design team, when, the fact is, we’re all capable of being creative.

So, What Is Creativity, Anyway?

Being creative means solving a problem in a new way. It means changing your perspective. Taking risks, ignoring doubt, and facing fears. It means you’re thinking. And great thinking comes from everyone, everywhere. We each bring unique perspectives from different experiences, both personal and work-related, and we all have the power to contribute to, influence, and manage the creative process.

This is creative collaboration—a relationship between two or more people with a common purpose and goal of creating something new via shared insight and understanding. Teamwork, collaboration, and creativity lay the groundwork for innovation, which is a huge part of who we are and what we do at Segal Benz. This creative collaboration allows us to:

  • Bring you fresh approaches and do our best, most interesting work
  • Keep up with people’s expectations for their benefits communications (which get higher all the time)
  • Build personal engagement in the work we do every day

Creative thinking is not a talent. It’s a skill that can be learned, and you can do it too. Whether you feel like you’re in a rut or you’re just not in touch with your creative side, you can spark your creativity and feel confident in your best creative self.

Unleash Your Creativity

Ready to unleash your creativity? Download our free guide, Brainstorming 101: How to Eliminate Obstacles and Unleash Your Creativity. You’ll discover the common obstacles that get in the way of being creative, common restrictions that block creativity, and how to overcome them.

After all, we’re all creative. You just need to find your spark!

We’re proud to work with organizations that value their people. If you want to learn more, we’d love to talk.


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Sue Heili

Sue Heili, Senior Project Manager, has a wealth of project management experience and currently manages some of our largest client engagements.