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Segal Benz June 22, 2022 5 min read

Start Here for Benefits Communication That Hits the Mark


We help great organizations inspire people to improve their health, their finances, and their futures by encouraging them to think differently about how they communicate to their employees about their benefits. One of the key ways we do that is by sharing our insights on our blog and through our resources.

The posts below are a good way to orient yourself with our work, whether you’re new to the Segal Benz Blog or a returning reader. We’ve curated these selections from our rich collection of blogs. You’ll also find more on everything you’ll need for effective benefits communication in our free resources library.

Why Benefits Communications Matters

Benefits drive business goals, foster loyalty, improve morale, and increase productivity—but only if your people know about them and use them. And that only happens with simple, frequent communication.

To Help Your People—and Organization—Succeed, Communicate Effectively

Helping People Understand Big Changes Drives Acceptance

What We Learned About Benefits Communication During the Pandemic

The 10 Keys to Unlocking Effective Benefits Communication

We’ve cracked the code to effective benefits communications. When applied correctly, our 10-key framework increases engagement with benefits. We share our methodology in our 3-ebook series, Unlocking Successful Benefits Communication: A 10-Key Framework Every Organization Needs to Get Results. The following blog posts highlight our 10-key approach.

Creating the Right Foundation

To create truly successful benefits communications, you need to start with a few fundamentals: a communications strategy, a strong brand, and a single place where your people can find all their benefits information. Learn why these things matter. 


3 Marketing Techniques That Will Increase Employee Engagement

Why Your Communications Strategy May Need a COVID-Related Upgrade

Inspire and Engage Your People with Communications That Work

Learn How to Communicate Bad News to Your People

Current Trends Driving Employee Benefits Communications

Clearing Up 7 Employee Benefits Communication Misconceptions

Content Is King, but Without Measuring Results, Does It Really Matter?

The Case for Strategic Communication: A Real-Life Benefits Fairy Tale in Three Act

The Power of Storytelling in Benefits Communications

What Does ChatGPT Mean for Benefits Communications?

Top 5 Reasons Your Benefits Communication Isn’t Prompting Action

Your Participants’ Demographics Are Changing. Are Your Communications Keeping Up?


If you don’t own the communications you can’t own the employee experience

Harness the Power of Your Brand to Drive Benefits Engagement


4 Signs That It’s Time to Give Your Website a Makeover

5 Common Website Usability Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Barrier-free benefits websites are key to benefits communication success

How to Make Your Website More Inclusive and Effective

Benefits Website Home Pages Worth Borrowing From

Making It Easier to Engage with Benefits Information

Taking a Marketing Approach

The best way to get people to engage in their benefits is by borrowing a page from the consumer marketing playbook: Elicit and act on feedback; simplify; target and segment your audience; and use a variety of channels to communicate throughout the year.


5 Things I’ve Learned About Employees and Their Benefits from Online Focus Groups

Soliciting and Listening to Employee Feedback Is Crucial to Engagement

Learn More About Your Audience with Online Focus Groups


Drop the Jargon. Keep It Simple

How to Make It Easy for Employees to Select Their Beneficiaries

Videos Make Employee Benefits Easy to Understand

Highly visual communications improve the potential for benefits engagement

Multi-Channel, Year-Round

Reaching Your Dispersed Workforce

Targeted Messaging

7 Ways to Engage Employee Resource Groups in Benefits Communications

Help Your People Make the Best Decisions with These Support Tools

Engage All the Generations in Your Workforce

Making Personalized Benefits Communication Easy to Access

Employee Experience

3 Marketing Techniques That Will Increase Employee Engagement

Advancing DEI: Connecting the B’s of Benefits and Belonging

3 Reasons to Add Benefits Ambassadors to Your Communication Strategy

Employee Engagement Is Down: Here Are 4 Ways to Turn It Around

Reimagining the Employee Onboarding Experience

Incorporating Behavioral Science

Apply the science of how people make decisions to help your employees overcome barriers to engagement and maximize the effectiveness of your communications.

2 Universities Show Behavioral Nudges That Work

Frame Benefits Communication Around FOMO to Inspire People to Act

Communications Stand Out with Headlines That Rhyme

The Secret Sauce for Improving Benefits Engagement

Aligning Resources

The best communicators know how to do more with less and leverage resources to create standout communications.

4 Stats That Prove Investing in Benefits Communications Pays Off

How to Get the Biggest Impact from Your Communications—With Any Budget

Even a Small Benefits Communication Budget Can Result in Big Success

Prioritizing Where to Spend Growing Benefits Communication Budgets

Open Enrollment

No time is more important than open enrollment for ensuring your communications are helping your people make smart decisions. These insights can help.

3 Engaging Enrollment Campaigns to Spark Your Creativity

5 Signs Virtual Events Are Here to Stay

5 Tips for Designing a Memorable Employee Experience for Annual Enrollment

Hype Your Benefits During Annual Enrollment and Year-Round Using 5 Proven Marketing Methods

Last-Minute Open Enrollment Advice from Our Communications Consultants

Proven Project Management Methods to Ensure a Smooth Open Enrollment

Tools and Tips to Give Your Open Enrollment Benefits Communications a Boost


When it comes to getting people engaged in benefits that improve their well-being—physical, emotional, financial wellness, or all 3—your communications have a big job to do. These blogs explain why.

These Engaging Campaigns Factor Health and Finances into Well-Being

Encouraging Mindfulness Improves Employees’ Workplace Experience

Engage Your Managers to Support Well-Being and Benefits Efforts

Be a Human. Show Empathy to Attract and Retain Talent

Building Trust and Dispelling Fears: Encouraging Preventive Care Through Healthy Activity and Smart Incentives

Creating a Workplace Culture of Support for Better Mental Health

The Financial Fallout of COVID-19 and Its Toll on Americans

How to Create the Most Helpful Parent and Caregiver Support Experience

How to Help Your Employees Improve Their Personal Finances

How to Help Your People Stress Less and Avoid Burnout

Lessons Learned from Lenovo’s Approach to Holistic Well-Being

How to Encourage Employees to Take Vacation Time During COVID-19

Rethinking Mental Health

5 Ways to Cut Through Burnout so Your Benefits Communications Reach Your People

Wooing Workers Back to the Workplace

Career and Compensation

7 Ways to Cultivate a Culture of Trust Through Compensation Communications

Let’s Talk Comp: 4 Critical Times to Communicate About Pay


2 Segal Benz Clients Win 2023 Eddy Awards

5 Behavioral Nudges That Boost Retirement Planning Engagement

Creating Retirement Income for Life: Reflections on an Award-Winning Innovation

Communicating About Lifetime Income: A New Framework from DCIIA

Engaging Younger Workers in Retirement Planning

Investing for Impact: Communicating About ESG in DC Plans

Segal Benz Client Named First Place Eddy Award Winner!

Segal Benz Testifies Before the U.S. DOL ERISA Advisory Council

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